diff --git a/src/net/connection_line_buffer.hpp b/src/net/connection_line_buffer.hpp
index 137814147e11f0ec949c3c9587cbcdb0769bdad1..0c1a140f25957553ba2f58f3e037efff43d56073 100644
--- a/src/net/connection_line_buffer.hpp
+++ b/src/net/connection_line_buffer.hpp
@@ -15,12 +15,59 @@
 namespace rmrf::net {
+ * This type defines the signature of the search function required to look up the next end
+ * of a data segment (for example a CR LF). It needs to return the first position where it
+ * found the desired char sequence. Its arguments are a reference to the string that should be
+ * searched and an index where to start the search.
+ *
+ * If the requested sequence wasn't found such a function must return std::string::npos.
+ */
 typedef std::function<std::string::size_type(const std::string&, std::string::size_type)> eol_search_t;
+ * This is the default line ending search method. It looks for CR, LF and CR LF style line endings.
+ * @brief A default line ending search callback looking for default line endings.
+ * @param data The string data to perform the search in.
+ * @param start_position The start position of the search.
+ * @return The first occurence index of a new line sequence of std::string::npos if none where found.
+ */
 std::string::size_type default_eol_search(const std::string& data, std::string::size_type start_position);
+ * This class is a middleware between a (TCP) Client and a specific protocol handling client that takes
+ * care of the fact that incomming data might not be splitted at the new line positions. In order to do so
+ * this class accepts a search method to look for the end of a message (rmrf::net::default_eol_search
+ * might be a good candidate here) and calls the specified found_next_line_cb_ callback if a complete
+ * message was reconstructed.
+ *
+ * This class contains an internal buffer that might get filled by a single, yet very large, line. As a consequence
+ * it is wise to check the line_complete argument of the provided callback.
+ *
+ * Known limitation: If the last received data ends with '\r' and the next incoming data would start with '\n' there is no way
+ * to detect this as the received message might indeed be a complete one ending with '\r' and one cannot wait for a potential
+ * continuation of said message to arrive as they might never arrive. Thus it is recommended to either only transmit line endings
+ * that solely rely on LF or, if the data source is known to send out CR LF style endings (and only those) to implement a custom
+ * line end search algorithm. A third possibility to handle this issue is to ignore empty incomming lines if the last message ended
+ * with CR.
+ * @class connection_line_buffer
+ * @author doralitze
+ * @date 05/01/21
+ * @file connection_line_buffer.hpp
+ * @brief Filter a client to only serve messages that reassemble a complete line
+ * @see rmrf::net::default_eol_search
+ * @see rmrf::net::eol_search_t
+ */
 class connection_line_buffer {
+    /**
+      * This type represents the callback layout that an accepting client is supposed to implement.
+      * The first argument represents the message data. The second argument indicates whether
+      * or not the message was completed prior to calling this callback. If the message size exceeds
+      * the buffer size of this instance it will call the specified callback with the data it got and will
+      * indicate the incompleteness by passing false to the second argument. If the message was
+      * passed regularly it will pass true.
+      */
     typedef std::function<void(const std::string&, bool)> found_next_line_cb_t;
@@ -31,7 +78,24 @@ private:
     std::string data;
+    /**
+     * This constructor creates a new buffer based on a given client, an input callback and a search algorithm callback.
+     * @brief Create a new line buffer with a custom search behaviour
+     * @param c The client to perform the input buffering for
+     * @param found_next_line_cb_ The callback to be called when a complete new line arrived
+     * @param max_line_size The maximum line length to aquire prior to collection abort and transmission of the incomplete line
+     * @param search_lb The callback to use for line break detection
+     */
     connection_line_buffer(std::shared_ptr<connection_client> c, found_next_line_cb_t found_next_line_cb_, std::string::size_type max_line_size, eol_search_t search_lb);
+    /**
+     * This constructor creates a new buffer based on a given client, an input callback and the maximum line size.
+     * This constructor uses the default line break search algorithm (rmrf::net::default_eol_search)
+     * @brief Create a new line buffer with a custom search behaviour
+     * @param c The client to perform the input buffering for
+     * @param found_next_line_cb_ The callback to be called when a complete new line arrived
+     * @param max_line_size The maximum line length to aquire prior to collection abort and transmission of the incomplete line
+     */
     connection_line_buffer(std::shared_ptr<connection_client> c, found_next_line_cb_t found_next_line_cb_, std::string::size_type max_line_size);