diff --git a/eventgenutils.py b/eventgenutils.py
index cef9eddf2ff3d9af40fc5910e1f0a121870231b0..35403559e546983a7db98f1d9fb6e3a96b9a4a96 100644
--- a/eventgenutils.py
+++ b/eventgenutils.py
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ def is_wednesday(_date_candidate):
     return wd == WED
+def is_nth_monday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
+    return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, MON)
 def is_nth_tuesday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
     return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, TUE)
@@ -54,6 +58,50 @@ def is_nth_friday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
     return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, FRI)
+def is_first_monday_of_month(_date_candidate):
+    is_nth_monday_of_month(_date_candidate, 1)
+def is_first_monday_of_month_except_january_an_may_if_monday_is_first(_date_candidate):
+    _year = _date_candidate.year
+    if is_january(_date_candidate):
+        _firstof_string = str(_year) + "-01-01"
+        _firstof = datetime.datetime.strptime(_firstof_string, date_format)
+        if _firstof.weekday() == MON:
+            return is_nth_monday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2)
+    if is_may(_date_candidate):
+        _firstof_string = str(_year) + "-05-01"
+        _firstof = datetime.datetime.strptime(_firstof_string, date_format)
+        if _firstof.weekday() == MON:
+            return is_nth_monday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2)
+    return is_nth_monday_of_month(_date_candidate, 1)
+def first_saturday_after_may_10th(_date_candidate):
+    _year = _date_candidate.year
+    _start_string = str(_year) + "-05-10"
+    _start = datetime.datetime.strptime(_start_string, date_format)
+    while _start.month == 5:
+        if _start.weekday() == SAT:
+            if _start == _date_candidate:
+                return True
+            else:
+                return False
+        _start += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+def last_saturday_in_march(_date_candidate):
+    _year = _date_candidate.year
+    _start_string = str(_year) + "-03-20"
+    _start = datetime.datetime.strptime(_start_string, date_format)
+    _last_saturday = None
+    while _start.month == 3:
+        if _start.weekday() == SAT:
+            _last_saturday = _start
+        _start += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    return _date_candidate == _last_saturday
 def is_equal_month(_date_candidate):
     if _date_candidate.month % 2 == 1:
         return True
@@ -63,15 +111,35 @@ def is_equal_month(_date_candidate):
 def is_january(_date_candidate):
     return _date_candidate.month == 1
 def is_march(_date_candidate):
     return _date_candidate.month == 3
+def is_april(_date_candidate):
+    return _date_candidate.month == 4
+def is_may(_date_candidate):
+    return _date_candidate.month == 5
 def is_june(_date_candidate):
     return _date_candidate.month == 6
+def is_july(_date_candidate):
+    return _date_candidate.month == 7
 def is_september(_date_candidate):
     return _date_candidate.month == 9
+def is_october(_date_candidate):
+    return _date_candidate.month == 10
 def is_november(_date_candidate):
     return _date_candidate.month == 11
@@ -107,6 +175,10 @@ def modify_template(_template, _start, _end):
     return _template
+def get_filename(_start, _name):
+    return _start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" + _name + ".markdown"
 def create_event(_name, _date, start_hour=00, start_minute=00, end_hour=23, end_minute=59, add_days=0):
     with open(_name + ".txt") as f:
         _template = f.read()
@@ -116,6 +188,19 @@ def create_event(_name, _date, start_hour=00, start_minute=00, end_hour=23, end_
         _template = modify_template(_template, _start, _end)
-        filename = _start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-" + _name + ".md"
-        with open("created/" + filename, 'w') as out:
+        with open("created/" + get_filename(_start, _name), 'w') as out:
+            out.write(_template)
+def create_event_c3(_name, _date, start_hour=00, start_minute=00, end_hour=23, end_minute=59, add_days=0):
+    with open(_name + ".txt") as f:
+        _template = f.read()
+        _start = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=start_hour, minute=start_minute, second=00))
+        _end = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=end_hour, minute=end_minute, second=00))
+        _end += datetime.timedelta(days=add_days)
+        _template = modify_template(_template, _start, _end)
+        _template = _template.replace("<CCCNumber>", str(_start.year - 1986))
+        with open("created/" + get_filename(_start, _name), 'w') as out:
diff --git a/getting-space-clean.txt b/getting-space-clean.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6730772123f27db7efdfcd41f7fefb11bcba895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/getting-space-clean.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title: "Getting Space Clean"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: info@chaotikum.org
+ - nobreakspace (gesamt)
+short: "Monatliche Hau-Ruck-Aufräum- und Putzaktion im gesamten Nobreakspace. Lasst uns den Space gemeinsam sauber und behaglich halten!"
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 1d4879825beeedb77f94f4c82437a384a725fa79..7c9044bc9d2115a911f02dae85e21224f24655fe 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -4,23 +4,33 @@ import eventgenutils as utils
 # set true if you want to generate files for that event type
 # every wednesday 19:00 to 23:59:59 but not between (and including) 24.12 and 1.1
 # wednesday from 09:00 to 18:00
-PLENUM = True
+PLENUM = False
 # second thursday of the month, except in november, where it is the third
-OSM = True
+OSM = False
 # vierter donnerstag in ungeraden monaten
 # jeden zweiten Dienstag im Monat um 18:31... ich vermute mal nicht im Januar?
 # jeden dritten Donnerstag im Monat 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
-NOOK = True
+NOOK = False
 # zweiter freitag im November (und der darauf folgende Samstag)
-# üblicherweise am vierten Mittwoch im letzten monat des quartals außer dezember (also März, Juni, September)
-# März wird ggf geschoben, wenn Ostern/Easterhegg dazwischen kommt...
+# Ãœblicherweise Zweiter Mittwoch im ersten Monat des Quartals
+# Ãœblicherweise der erste Samstag nach dem 10 Mai. 15:00 bis 23:59
+# https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/International_Open_Hackerspace_Day
+# The International Open Hackerspace Day is happening every last Saturday of March.
+MOINC3 = False
+# Congress.
+# Der Maus Türöffner Tag ist immer am Tag der Deutschen Einheit
+# Erster Montag des Monats, außer das ist der 01.01 oder 01.05, dann der zweite Montag dieser Monate
 # Year to create events for
@@ -73,17 +83,38 @@ def is_ffhl(_date_candidate):
 def is_nook(_date_candidate):
-    if utils.is_november(_date_candidate) and utils.is_nth_friday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2):
-        return True
+    return utils.is_november(_date_candidate) and utils.is_nth_friday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2)
 def is_fuenf_min(_date_candidate):
-    if utils.is_march(_date_candidate) or utils.is_june(_date_candidate) or utils.is_september(_date_candidate):
-        if utils.is_nth_wednesday_of_month(_date_candidate, 4):
+    if utils.is_april(_date_candidate) or utils.is_july(_date_candidate) or utils.is_october(_date_candidate):
+        if utils.is_nth_wednesday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2):
             return True
     return False
+def is_sommerfest(_date_candidate):
+    return utils.first_saturday_after_may_10th(_date_candidate)
+def is_tag_des_offenen_hackspaces(_date_candidate):
+    return utils.last_saturday_in_march(_date_candidate)
+def is_moin_c3(_date_candidate):
+    _md = _date_candidate.day
+    return utils.is_december(_date_candidate) and _md == 27
+def is_maus_tueroeffner_tag(_date_candidate):
+    _md = _date_candidate.day
+    return utils.is_october(_date_candidate) and _md == 3
+def is_getting_space_clean(_date_candidate):
+    return utils.is_first_monday_of_month_except_january_an_may_if_monday_is_first(_date_candidate)
 def create_open_space(_date):
     utils.create_event("openspace", _date, start_hour=19)
@@ -116,6 +147,26 @@ def create_fuenf_min(_date):
     utils.create_event("5min", _date, start_hour=20, end_hour=21)
+def create_sommerfest(_date):
+    utils.create_event("sommerfest", _date, start_hour=15)
+def create_tag_des_offenen_hackspaces(_date):
+    utils.create_event("tagderoffenenhackspaces", _date, start_hour=15, end_hour=20, end_minute=00)
+def create_moin_c3(_date):
+    utils.create_event_c3("moinc3", _date, add_days=3)
+def create_getting_space_clean(_date):
+    utils.create_event("getting-space-clean", _date, start_hour=18, start_minute=30, end_hour=20, end_minute=00)
+def create_maus_tueroeffner_tag(_date):
+    utils.create_event("maus", _date, start_hour=14, end_hour=19, end_minute=00)
 date_to_check = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(YEAR) + "-01-01", utils.date_format)
 while date_to_check <= datetime.datetime.strptime(str(YEAR) + "-12-31", utils.date_format):
     if OPENSPACE:
@@ -150,5 +201,25 @@ while date_to_check <= datetime.datetime.strptime(str(YEAR) + "-12-31", utils.da
         result = is_fuenf_min(date_to_check)
         if result:
+        result = is_sommerfest(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_sommerfest(date_to_check)
+        result = is_tag_des_offenen_hackspaces(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_tag_des_offenen_hackspaces(date_to_check)
+    if MOINC3:
+        result = is_moin_c3(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_moin_c3(date_to_check)
+        result = is_maus_tueroeffner_tag(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_maus_tueroeffner_tag(date_to_check)
+        result = is_getting_space_clean(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_getting_space_clean(date_to_check)
     date_to_check += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
diff --git a/maus.txt b/maus.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0cd40a77bf434bbca7e8641c68560f63615185cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title: "Maus Türöffner Tag"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: info@chaotikum.org
+ - Augenprüfraum
+ - Wartezimmer
+ - Lager
+short: "Maus Türöffner Tag im nbsp"
diff --git a/moinc3.txt b/moinc3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a37e21efb75abbcd80dcf226cde37ad4d61461d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moinc3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title: "MOiN auf dem <CCCNumber>C3"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: info@chaotikum.org
+ - CCH
+short: "Wir sind Teil von MOiN auf dem <CCCNumber>C3"
diff --git a/sommerfest.txt b/sommerfest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a494e61482fa7b69d3db4ffc1c50f6902498fe00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sommerfest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title:  "Chaotikum Sommerfest"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: vorstand@chaotikum.org
+fotopolicy: open
+organizer: Chaotikum
+ - Parkplatz hinter dem Nbsp
+short: "Chaotikum (Früh)-Sommerfest"
diff --git a/tagderoffenenhackspaces.txt b/tagderoffenenhackspaces.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea31a817b1a8b6bb8b1d4e16175eab705edcaf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tagderoffenenhackspaces.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title: "Tag des Offenen Hackspaces"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: info@chaotikum.org
+ - Augenprüfraum
+ - Wartezimmer
+ - Lager
+short: "Kommt vorbei! Wir haben Computer, Elektronik, Dinge zum Löten (auch für Anfänger) und kalte Getränke"