diff --git a/5min.txt b/5min.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08ded1eace16ccc506a528fafe90e879104a9cd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/5min.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title:  "5 Minuten Termine"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: info@chaotikum.org
+stream: tbd
+recording: true
+ - Augenprüfraum
+ - kofferblau
+short: "Du hast 300 Sekunden: Was ist dein Thema?"
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 2bab4395c8a7a2b05657c08c7ca5e92ffb3fa1e5..659bee622a7465ad76b18d616c71a14ae0f67b44 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -22,10 +22,18 @@ OSM = False
 # jeden zweiten Dienstag im Monat um 18:31
-#Freifunk Lübeck
+# Freifunk Lübeck
 # jeden dritten Donnerstag im Monat 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
+# Nook
+NOOK = False
+# zweiter freitag im Npvember (und der darauf folgende samsatag)
+# Fünf Minuten Termine
+# üblicherweise am vierten Mitwoch im letzten monat des quartals außer dezember (also März, Juni, September)
 year = 2024
 start_date_string = str(year) + "-01-01"
 end_date_string = str(year) + "-12-31"
@@ -82,10 +90,19 @@ def is_nth_tuesday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
     return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, 1)
+def is_nth_wednesday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
+    return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, 2)
+def is_nth_friday_of_month(_date_candidate, _n):
+    return is_nth_xday_of_month(_date_candidate, _date_candidate.year, _date_candidate.month, _n, 4)
 def is_plenum(_date_candidate):
-    if not mo == 11 and is_nth_thursday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2):
+    _mo = _date_candidate.month
+    if not _mo == 11 and is_nth_thursday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2):
         return True
-    if mo == 11 and is_nth_thursday_of_month(_date_candidate, 3):
+    if _mo == 11 and is_nth_thursday_of_month(_date_candidate, 3):
         return True
     return False
@@ -99,15 +116,12 @@ def is_reinigung(_date_candidate):
 def is_osm(_date_candidate):
     _mo = _date_candidate.month
-    _year = _date_candidate.year
     if _mo % 2 == 1 and is_nth_thursday_of_month(_date_candidate, 4):
         return True
     return False
 def is_bits_und_baeume(_date_candidate):
-    _year = _date_candidate.year
-    _mo = _date_candidate.month
     if is_nth_tuesday_of_month(_date_candidate, 1):
         return True
     return False
@@ -118,6 +132,21 @@ def is_ffhl(_date_candidate):
         return True
     return False
+def is_nook(_date_candidate):
+    _mo = _date_candidate.month
+    if _mo == 11 and is_nth_friday_of_month(_date_candidate, 2):
+        return True
+def is_fuenf_min(_date_candidate):
+    _mo = _date_candidate.month
+    if _mo == 3 or _mo == 6 or _mo == 9:
+        if is_nth_wednesday_of_month(_date_candidate, 4):
+            return True
+    return False
 def replace_date_in_template(_template, _tag, _date):
     return _template.replace(_tag, _date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"))
@@ -134,6 +163,10 @@ def set_uuid(_template, _uuid):
     return _template.replace("<UUID>", str(_uuid))
+def set_year(_template, _year):
+    return _template.replace("<YEAR>", str(_year))
 def create_open_space(_date):
     with open('openspace.txt') as f:
         _openspace_template = f.read()
@@ -217,7 +250,7 @@ def create_ffhl(_date):
     with open('ffhl-orga.txt') as f:
         _ffhl_orga_template = f.read()
-        _start = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=18, minute=31, second=00))
+        _start = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=18, minute=00, second=00))
         _end = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=22, minute=00, second=00))
         _ffhl_orga_template = set_start_date(_ffhl_orga_template, _start)
@@ -228,6 +261,41 @@ def create_ffhl(_date):
         with open("created/" + filename, 'w') as out:
+def create_nook(_date):
+    with open('nook.txt') as f:
+        _nook_template = f.read()
+        _start = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=17, minute=00, second=00))
+        _end = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=22, minute=59, second=00))
+        _end += datetime.timedelta(days=1)  # nnok has two days
+        _nook_template = set_start_date(_nook_template, _start)
+        _nook_template = set_end_date(_nook_template, _end)
+        _nook_template = set_uuid(_nook_template, uuid.uuid4())
+        _nook_template = set_year(_nook_template, _start.year)
+        filename = _start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-nook.md"
+        with open("created/" + filename, 'w') as out:
+            out.write(_nook_template)
+def create_fuenf_min(_date):
+    with open('5min.txt') as f:
+        _5min_template = f.read()
+        _start = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=20, minute=00, second=00))
+        _end = cet.localize(_date.replace(hour=21, minute=59, second=00))
+        _5min_template = set_start_date(_5min_template, _start)
+        _5min_template = set_end_date(_5min_template, _end)
+        _5min_template = set_uuid(_5min_template, uuid.uuid4())
+        filename = _start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + "-5min.md"
+        with open("created/" + filename, 'w') as out:
+            out.write(_5min_template)
 date_to_check = start_date
 while date_to_check <= end_date:
     if OPENSPACE:
@@ -254,5 +322,13 @@ while date_to_check <= end_date:
         result = is_ffhl(date_to_check)
         if result:
+    if NOOK:
+        result = is_nook(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_nook(date_to_check)
+        result = is_fuenf_min(date_to_check)
+        if result:
+            create_fuenf_min(date_to_check)
     date_to_check += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
diff --git a/nook.txt b/nook.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..39d7c8d18deb759665bd145f8e98ea5970da764e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nook.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+layout: [eventcal]
+title:  "NooK <YEAR>"
+eventdate: <EVENTSTART>
+eventend: <EVENTEND>
+uid: <UUID>
+contact: contact@nook-luebeck.de
+organizer: NooK Orga
+recording: true
+stream: https://<YEAR>.nook-luebeck.de/live
+ - Audimax Uni Lübeck
+ - leihbar
+short: "Zweitägige Konferenz auf dem Campus der Uni Lübeck mit vielen Vorträgen, Ständen, Kunst und spannenden Themen."