diff --git a/events.ics b/events.ics
index 4f4a8dd23ed0430eee3ea411a6d8ed3c826ff3d7..63ae766561be6dc662195ec0cc90b4a056542445 100644
--- a/events.ics
+++ b/events.ics
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ METHOD:PUBLISH
 {% for event in site.events %}BEGIN:VEVENT
 UID:{{ event.uid }}
 ORGANIZER;CN={% if event.organizer and event.organizer != "" and event.organizer != nil %}{{event.organizer}}{% else %}Chaotikum e.V.{% endif %}:MAILTO:{{event.contact}}
-LOCATION:Chaotikum{% capture textSize %}{{ event.short | size }}{% endcapture %}{% assign linelength = 60 %}{% assign rounds = textSize | divided_by: linelength %}{% assign extra = textSize | modulo: linelength %}{% assign start = 0 %}
+LOCATION:{{% if event.locations conatins 'Augenprüfraum' and event.locations conatins 'Wartezimmer' and event.locations conatins 'Lager' %}}Nobreaksoace{% else %}{{ event.locations | array_to_sentence_string }}{% endif %}{% capture textSize %}{{ event.short | size }}{% endcapture %}{% assign linelength = 60 %}{% assign rounds = textSize | divided_by: linelength %}{% assign extra = textSize | modulo: linelength %}{% assign start = 0 %}
 SUMMARY:{{ event.title | xml_escape }}
 DESCRIPTION:{% for i in (1..rounds) %}{{ event.short | slice: start, linelength }}{% assign start = start | plus: linelength %}
     {% endfor%}{{ event.short | slice: start, extra }}