# Site configuration # 1. Files excluded from Jekyll builds # 2. Installed Gems # 3. Gem settings # 4. Jekyll settings # 5. Collections # 6. Jekyll collections settings # 7. Site settings # 8. Site navigation # 1. Files excluded from Jekyll builds exclude: - README.md - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - CONTRIBUTING.md - screenshot.png - LICENSE - CNAME - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - demo/* - alembic-jekyll-theme.gemspec - vendor # 2. Installed Plugin plugins: - jekyll-sitemap #- jekyll-mentions - jekyll-category-pages - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-default-layout - jekyll-feed - jemoji - jekyll-twitter-plugin # 3. Gem settings paginate_path: blog/page:num # jekyll-paginate > blog page #jekyll-mentions: https://twitter.com # jekyll-mentions > service used when @replying twitter: username: Chaotikum_ev # jekyll-seo-tag > Owners twitter username author: Chaotikum e.V. # jekyll-seo-tag > default author social: # jekyll-seo-tag > social overrides name: Chaotikum e.V. # jekyll-seo-tag > real name links: # jekyll-seo-tag > social aliases (sameAs) - https://twitter.com/chaotikum_ev - https://github.com/Chaotikum # 4. Jekyll settings sass: style: compressed # Style compression permalink: pretty # Permalink style (/YYYY/MM/DD/page-name/) paginate: 10 excerpt_separator: <!--more--> timezone: Europe/Berlin # Timezone for blog posts and alike #baseurl: /chaotikum # 5. Collections collections: posts: title: Posts output: true feature_image: "/assets/f11.jpg" projects: title: Aktivitäten output: true feature_image: "https://chaotikum.org/assets/3ddrucker.jpg" permalink: project/:path/ media: title: Media output: true feature_image: "https://chaotikum.org/assets/bgvideo.png" permalink: media/:path/ inventory: title: Geräte output: true permalink: nobreakspace/inventory/:path/ imagemeta: output: false press: output: false categories: output: true people: title: Leute output: true conferences: title: conferences output: true permalink: conferences/:path/ conferencefrab: title: conferencefrab output: true permalink: conferences/:title.xml events: title: Kalender output: true permalink: event/:path.ics loan: title: Leihgaben output: true loancal: title: Verleihkalender output: true permalink: loancal/:path.ics # 7. Site settings encoding: utf-8 # Make sure the encoding is right lang: de # Set the site language title: "Chaotikum.org" # Site name or title, also used in jekyll-seo-tag logo: "/assets/logo.png" # Site logo, also used in jekyll-seo-tag description: "Willkommen beim Chaotikum e.V., wir beschäftigen uns kreativ mit Technik sowie ihren Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und engagieren uns eigenverantwortlich und auf unterschiedliche Weise für Informations- und Kommunikationsfreiheit." url: "https://chaotikum.org" image.type: "image/jpeg" type: "website" #url: "https://chaotikum.org" # Site url, also used in jekyll-seo-tag email: "info@chaotikum.org" # disqus: "alembic-1" # Blog post comments, uncomment the option and set the site ID from your Disqus account twitter_username: Chaotikum_eV # 8. Site navigation navigation_header: Blog: /blog/ Verein: /verein/ Spenden🧡: /verein/spenden/ Nobreakspace: /nobreakspace/ Aktivitäten: /projects/ Kalender: /events/ Video: /media/ Wiki: https://wiki.chaotikum.org/start Merch: /verein/merch/ navigation_footer: Suche: /suche/ Impressum: /impressum/ Datenschutz: /datenschutzerk/ social_links: # Appears in sidebar. Set the urls then uncomment and comment out as desired mastodon: https://social.chaotikum.org/web/@chaotikumev Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotikum_ev Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6a320ZLNl5WlH-SSL8alA RSS: /feed.xml Email: "mailto:info@chaotikum.org" cal: "https://chaotikum.org/events.ics" riot: "https://app.element.io/#/room/#nbsp:matrix.org" gitlab: https://git.chaotikum.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/Chaotikum sharing_links: # Appear at the bottom of single blog posts, uncomment and comment out as desired. Colours set the button colour Twitter: "#1DA1F2" facebook: "#3B5998" # Google+: "#DC4E41" # Pinterest: "#BD081C" # LinkedIn: "#0077B5" tumblr: "#36465D" Reddit: "#FF4500" Hacker News: "#ff6600" # Designer News: "#2D72D9" Email: "" #Defining reusable html templates for the webste that are places in the _includes folder image: "image.html" gallery: "gallery.html" video: "video.html" pressespiegel: "pressespiegel.html" default-feature: "/assets/f11.jpg" postlistbytopic: "postlistbytopic.html" betterplace: "betterplace.html" datenschleuder99: "datenschleuder99.html" eventinfo: "post-event.html" projectinfo: "post-project.html" toolinfo: "tool.html" deviceinfo: "deviceinfo.html" pressinclude: "press-include.html" wikiimage: "https://wiki.chaotikum.org/_media" ccbync: "<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/de/'>CC BY NC</a>" ccbysa: "<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/'>CC BY SA</a>" copyright: "Copyright" vorsitz1: Fabian Schwarze vorsitz2: Moritz Welberg finanzen: Lukas Ruge kontakt: Lukas Ruge sitzstreet: Mengstraße 3 sitzplz: 23552 sitzcity: Lübeck sitznation: Germany addressstreet: Fackenburger Allee 11 addressplz: 23554 postadresse: Chaotikum e.V. <br> Postfach 12 64 <br> 23502 Lübeck iban: DE86 8306 5408 0004 1480 61 bic: GENODEF1SLR bank: Deutsche Skatbank presence_service: https://presence.chaotikum.org/presence formbot_service: