--- layout: none type: text/calendar --- BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Chaotikum X-WR-CALDESC:Termine des Chaotikum e.V. CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:https://chaotikum.org/ METHOD:PUBLISH {% for event in site.events %}{% if event.locations contains 'Lager' %}BEGIN:VEVENT UID:{{ event.uid }} ORGANIZER;CN={% if event.organizer and event.organizer != "" and event.organizer != nil %}{{event.organizer}}{% else %}Chaotikum e.V.{% endif %}:MAILTO:{{event.contact}} LOCATION:{% if event.locations contains 'Augenprüfraum' and event.locations contains 'Wartezimmer' and event.locations contains 'Lager' %}Nobreaksoace{% else %}{{ event.locations | array_to_sentence_string }}{% endif %}{% capture textSize %}{{ event.short | size }}{% endcapture %}{% assign linelength = 60 %}{% assign rounds = textSize | divided_by: linelength %}{% assign extra = textSize | modulo: linelength %}{% assign start = 0 %} SUMMARY:{{ event.title | xml_escape }} DESCRIPTION:{% for i in (1..rounds) %}{% if i > 1 %} {% endif %}{{ event.short | slice: start, linelength }}{% assign start = start | plus: linelength %} {% endfor%} {{ event.short | slice: start, extra }} CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:{{ event.eventdate | date: "%Y%m%d" }}T{{ event.eventdate | date: "%H%M%S" }} DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:{{ event.eventend | date: "%Y%m%d" }}T{{ event.eventend | date: "%H%M%S" }} DTSTAMP:{{ event.eventdate | date: "%Y%m%d" }}T{{ event.eventdate | date: "%H%M%S" }}Z END:VEVENT {% endif %}{% endfor %}END:VCALENDAR