@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ There are some zabbix-server specific variables which will be used for the zabbi
#database_type: mysql
#database_type_long: mysql
database_type: pgsql
database_type_long: postgresql
zabbix_server_database: pgsql
zabbix_server_database_long: postgresql
server_dbport: 5432
zabbix_server_dbport: 5432
There are 2 database_types which will be supported: mysql and postgresql. You'll need to comment or uncomment the database you would like to use and adjust the port number (`server_dbport`) accordingly (`5432` is the default postgresql port). In example from above, the postgresql database is used. If you want to use mysql, uncomment the 2 lines from mysql and comment the 2 lines for postgresql and change the database port to the mysql one (default mysql port is `3306`).