This is a mail bot to send plenum invitation messages.
There are five relevant files in this repository making the bot run:
Contains all the dependencies required to run the bot.py script.
This file contains the core bot logic and some hardcoded values. If you want to use the bot in different setups, these values must be changed accordingly.
This file is only needed to set up the environment for the bot. The bot won't run (be comfy) without these environment parameters set. The MAIL_* environment variables must contain valid login data for the mail server.
nbspplenumbot.service / nbspplenumbot.timer
These files contain systemd unit configurations to make the bot run at discrete points in time.
Create a new directory on your machine e.g.
mkdir /home/bots/scripts/nbspplenumbot
install python if not already installed, create and activate a new virtual environment
sudo apt install python3.8-venv python3 -m venv /home/bots/scripts/nbspplenumbot/venv . /home/bots/scripts/nbspplenumbot/venv/bin/activate
Copy all five project files to the created directory
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Move the systemd unit files to systemd
sudo mv /home/bots/scripts/nbspplenumbot/nbspplenumbot.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo mv /home/bots/scripts/nbspplenumbot/nbspplenumbot.timer /etc/systemd/system/
Enable the systemd timer unit
sudo systemctl enable nbspplenumbot.timer