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media-list.html 2.72 KiB
{% capture nowunix %}{{'now' | date: '%s'}}{% endcapture %}
{% assign min = | times: 25 -%}
{% assign max = min | plus: 25 -%}
{% assign paginatenext = | plus: 2 -%}
{% assign currentpage = | plus: 1 -%}
{% assign paginateprev = -%}
{% assign counter = 0 -%}
{% assign next = false -%}
{% assign prev = false -%}
{% if min > 0 -%}
	{% assign prev = true -%}
{% endif -%}
<section class="section  typeset">
	<ul class="list  list--posts">

		{% assign filtered_posts = | where: 'release_date', not nil %}
		{% assign mlist = filtered_posts | sort: 'uuid' %}
		{% assign sorted = mlist | sort: 'release_date' | reverse %}

		{% for video in sorted %}
			{% if counter >= min and counter < max -%}
				{% capture title -%}
				{% assign name_before_title = false -%}	
				{% for conf in video.conferences -%}
					{% for c in site.conferences -%}
						{% if conf == c.acronym and c.name_before_title -%}
							{% assign name_before_title = true -%}	
						{% endif -%}
					{% endfor -%}
				{% endfor -%}
				{% if video.persons and name_before_title -%}{{video.persons | join: ", " }}: {% endif -%}{{ video.title }}
				{% for conf in video.conferences -%}
					{% for c in site.conferences -%}
						{% if conf == c.acronym -%}
							{% if c.ecki -%}[{{c.title| xml_escape}}]{% endif -%}
						{% endif -%}
					{% endfor -%}
				{% endfor -%}
				{% endcapture -%}

				{% assign optout = false -%}	
				{% if video.optout and video.optout  != '' -%}
					{% assign optout = true -%}
				{% endif -%}

				{% if video.release_date and video.release_date != '' %}
					{% include media-in-list.html -%}
				{% endif %}
			{% endif %}
			{% if video.release_date and video.release_date != '' %}
					{% assign mediasize = mediasize | plus: 1 -%}
					{% assign m2 = max | minus: 1 -%}
					{% if counter >  m2 -%}
						{% assign next = true -%}
				{% endif -%}
			{% endif %}		
			{% assign counter = counter | plus: 1 -%}
		{% endfor %}
		{% assign mediasize = mediasize | minus: 1 %}
		{% assign maxpages = mediasize | divided_by: 25 %}
		{% assign maxpages2 = maxpages | plus: 1 -%}
	{% if min <= mediasize -%}
	<nav class="nav  nav--paginator">
	{% if prev %}
		{% if paginateprev == 1 -%}
			<a href="/media" class="pagination  pagination--previous">&larr; neuer</a>
		{% else -%}
			<a href="/media{{paginateprev}}" class="pagination  pagination--previous">&larr; neuer</a>
		{% endif %}
	{% endif %}
	<span class="pagination  pagination--counter">Seite: {{ currentpage }} von {{ maxpages2 }}</span>
	{% if next %}
		<a href="/media{{paginatenext}}" class="pagination  pagination--next">älter &rarr;</a>
	{% endif %}
	{% else -%}
	Diese Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden.
	{% endif -%}