> Manual testing has long been a well established part of software development. But often times it feels like a weight slowing us down. In this talk we will explore why manual testing is often blocking fast development cycles and how to improve the situation by having a computer do the clicking through the application. To this end we will explore Cypress as a fun and easy to get started tool.
> Manual testing has long been a well established part of software development. But often times it feels like a weight slowing us down. In this talk we will explore why manual testing is often blocking fast development cycles and how to improve the situation by having a computer do the clicking through the application. To this end we will explore Cypress as a fun and easy to get started tool.
Die Softwerkskammer beginnt um 19:30 Uhr im [Nobreakspace]({{site.baseurl}}/nobreakspace). Anmeldung über [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Softwerkskammer-Luebeck/events/gjsxslyzmbhb).
Die Softwerkskammer beginnt um 19:00 Uhr im [Nobreakspace]({{site.baseurl}}/nobreakspace). Anmeldung über [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Softwerkskammer-Luebeck/events/gjsxslyzmbhb).