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Commit dcae68f0 authored by Leo's avatar Leo :shark:
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parent e5333578
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......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ icarusTest
......@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ pcf_file = io.pcf
yosys -qp "synth_ice40 -json $(filename).json" $(filename).v
nextpnr-ice40 -q\
-l pnr.log \
--up5k \
--package sg48 \
--json $(filename).json \
--pcf $(pcf_file) \
--asc $(filename).asc
icepack $(filename).asc $(filename).bin
# head -n -434 pnr.log | tail -18
#prog: #for sram
#iceprog -S $(filename).bin
iverilog -o icarusTest top.v && vvp icarusTest
......@@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ module alu(
input enAdd,
input enSub,
input clr,
input wrFlags,
input [15:0] busIn,
output [15:0] busOut
output [15:0] busOut,
output carryFlag,
output zeroFlag
wire [15:0] aVal;
......@@ -43,5 +46,23 @@ module alu(
reg zeroFlagReg = 0;
reg carryFlagReg = 0;
assign zeroFlag = zeroFlagReg;
assign carryFlag = carryFlagReg;
always @ (posedge clr) begin
zeroFlagReg <= 0;
carryFlagReg <= 0;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (wrFlags) begin
zeroFlagReg <= (busIn == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
carryFlagReg <= (aVal + bVal > 15'b111111111111111) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign busOut = enAdd ? aVal + bVal : (enSub ? aVal - bVal : 15'b0);
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module ram(
reg [7:0] ramMemory [0:1024];
reg [7:0] ramMemory [0:10];
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,8 +6,21 @@
`include "alu.v"
module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, output TX, input P3_10);
module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, input P3_10, input clk,
output P1_1, output P1_2, output P1_3, output P1_4, output P1_9, output P1_10, output P1_11, output P1_12);
reg clr = 1;
always @(negedge sClk)begin
clr <= 0;
reg sClk = 0;
always #1 sClk = ~sClk;
wire [15:0] bus_in_1;
wire [15:0] bus_in_3;
......@@ -19,45 +32,57 @@ module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, output TX,
wire [15:0] bus_out;
assign bus_out = bus_in_1 | bus_in_2 | bus_in_3 | bus_in_4 | bus_in_5 | bus_in_6;
reg [22:0] clock_div;
reg sClk;
wire hlt;
wire [7:0] tmpout;
assign LED_R = sClk;
reg [18:0] clock_div;
// reg sClk;
reg hlt = 0;
reg tmp =0;
reg one =1;
assign P1_12 = bus_out[0]; //LSB
assign P1_1 = bus_out[1];
assign P1_11 = bus_out[2];
assign P1_2 = bus_out[3];
assign P1_10 = bus_out[4];
assign P1_3 = bus_out[5];
assign P1_9 = bus_out[6];
assign P1_4 = bus_out[7]; //MSB
always @(posedge clk)
// Slow clock gen
clock_div <= clock_div + 1;
if(clock_div == 0 & ~hlt) begin
sClk <= ~sClk;
// reg [7:0] tmpbyte;
// assign tmpbyte = (clock_div[7:0] & 8'b00001111) | 8'b00110000 ;
// dff #(.WIDTH(8)) ff1(.d(tmpbyte), .q(tmpout), .clr(clr), .clk(P3_10));
reg wrZlo = 0;
reg wrZhi = 0;
reg enZlo = 0;
reg enZhi = 0;
register zReg (.clk(clk),.clr(clr),.in(bus_out),.out(bus_in_1),.wrHi(wrZhi),.wrLo(wrZlo),.enHi(enZhi),.enLo(enZlo));
reg wrMarHi = 0;
reg wrMarLo = 0;
reg wrRam = 0;
reg enRam = 0;
ram workingRam(.clk(clk), .clr(clr), .busIn(bus_out), .busOut(bus_in_3), .wrMarHi(wrMarHi), .wrMarLo(wrMarLo), .wrRam(wrRam), .enRam(enRam));
register zReg (.clk(sClk),.clr(clr),.in(bus_out),.out(bus_in_1),.wrHi(wrZhi),.wrLo(wrZlo),.enHi(enZhi),.enLo(enZlo));
reg incPc=0;
reg enPc=0;
reg wrPc=0;
pc programCounter(.inc(incPc), .clk(clk), .enPc(enPc), .wrPc(wrPc), .clr(clr), .busIn(bus_out), .busOut(bus_in_4) );
ram workingRam(.clk(sClk), .clr(clr), .busIn(bus_out), .busOut(bus_in_3), .wrMarHi(wrMarHi), .wrMarLo(wrMarLo), .wrRam(wrRam), .enRam(enRam));
reg clr = 0;
reg clk = 0;
always #1 clk = ~clk;
pc programCounter(.inc(incPc), .clk(sClk), .enPc(enPc), .wrPc(wrPc), .clr(clr), .busIn(bus_out), .busOut(bus_in_4) );
reg [5:0] stateCounter = 0;
reg [2:0] stateCounter = 0;
reg rstState = 0;
always @ (negedge clk or posedge clr) begin
always @ (negedge sClk or posedge clr) begin
if (clr) begin
stateCounter <= 0;
end else begin
......@@ -65,24 +90,60 @@ module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, output TX,
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rstState) begin
stateCounter <= 0;
// always @ (posedge clk) begin
// if (rstState) begin
// stateCounter <= 0;
// end
// end
wire [7:0]controlWord = {stateCounter,currentOp[5:0]};
wire carryFlag;
wire zeroFlag;
wire [14:0]controlWord = {currentOp[6:0],stateCounter,zeroFlag,carryFlag};
// wire [7:0]controlWord = {stateCounter};
wire [15:0]controlLines;
reg [15:0] controlMemory [0:255];
reg [15:0] controlMemory [0:32767];
assign controlLines = controlMemory[controlWord];
wire wrA = controlLines[0];
wire wrB = controlLines[1];
wire enSub = controlLines[2];
wire enAdd = controlLines[3];
wire wrZlo = controlLines[4];
wire wrZhi = controlLines[5];
wire enZlo = controlLines[6];
wire enZhi = controlLines[7];
wire incPc = controlLines[8];
wire enPc = controlLines[9];
wire wrPc = controlLines[10];
wire rstState = controlLines[11];
wire wrMarHi = controlLines[12];
wire wrMarLo = controlLines[13];
wire wrRam = controlLines[14];
wire enRam = controlLines[15];
reg wrFlags = 0;
// reg wrA = 0;
// reg wrB = 0;
// reg enSub = 0;
// reg enAdd = 1;
// reg wrZlo = 0;
// reg wrZhi = 0;
// reg enZlo = 0;
// reg enZhi = 0;
// reg incPc = 1;
// reg enPc = 0;
// reg wrPc = 0;
// reg rstState = 0;
// reg wrMarHi = 0;
// reg wrMarLo = 0;
// reg wrRam = 0;
// reg enRam = 0;
reg wrInst = 0;
reg enInst = 0;
wire [7:0]currentOp;
register instReg (.clk(clk),
register instReg (.clk(sClk),
......@@ -94,29 +155,37 @@ module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, output TX,
reg wrA = 0;
reg wrB = 0;
reg enSub = 0;
reg enAdd = 0;
alu alu(
initial begin
$readmemh("control.mem", controlMemory);
#2 clr = 1;
#2 clr = 0;
#300 $finish;
// #2 clr = 1;
// #2 clr = 0;
// reg test
// #2 bus_in_2 = 255;
// #2 wrZlo = 1;
......@@ -163,18 +232,18 @@ module top(input [3:0] SW, output LED_R, output LED_G, output LED_B, output TX,
// #2 wrInst=1;
#2 bus_in_2 = 5;
#2 wrA =1;
#2 wrA =0;
// #2 bus_in_2 = 5;
// #2 wrA =1;
// #2 wrA =0;
#2 bus_in_2 = 2;
#2 wrB =1;
#2 wrB =0;
// #2 bus_in_2 = 2;
// #2 wrB =1;
// #2 wrB =0;
#2 bus_in_2 = 0;
#2 enAdd = 1;
#2 enAdd = 0;
#2 enSub = 1;
// #2 bus_in_2 = 0;
// #2 enAdd = 1;
// #2 enAdd = 0;
// #2 enSub = 1;
// #20 $finish;
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