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Leo's avatar
accepted merge request !3 "Add Leikeim Cola-Mix Bügelflasche" at icebox / icebox-image-service
Leo's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
deleted branch feature/add_images at icebox / icebox-image-service
Lukas Ruge's avatar
accepted merge request !2 "Add image for Weiss Lebkuchen Herzen mit Aprikosen-Fruchtfüllung (zartbitter)" at icebox / icebox-image-service
Lukas Ruge's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
Lukas Ruge's avatar
commented on merge request !2 "Add image for Weiss Lebkuchen Herzen mit Aprikosen-Fruchtfüllung (zartbitter)" at icebox / icebox-image-service

@commity gitlab sagt einem übrigens nicht bescheid, wenn man assigned wird.

Leo's avatar
opened merge request !3 "Add Leikeim Cola-Mix Bügelflasche" at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
opened merge request !2 "Add image for Weiss Lebkuchen Herzen mit Aprikosen-Fruchtfüllung (zartbitter)" at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed new branch feature/add_images at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
deleted branch feature/add_images at icebox / icebox-image-service
Lukas Ruge's avatar
accepted merge request !1 "Add moar images" at icebox / icebox-image-service
Lukas Ruge's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
opened merge request !1 "Add moar images" at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed new branch feature/add_images at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
deleted branch feature/commity/improve_images at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
  • 0964b9c3 · Add Lütauer Maracuja and fix Ja Popcorn
commity's avatar
closed issue #1 "Bild für premuin kola" at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed to branch main at icebox / icebox-image-service
commity's avatar
pushed new branch feature/commity/improve_images at icebox / icebox-image-service